Innovative Web Design Services for Your Growing Business

Transform Your Ideas into Stunning Digital Spaces with Expert Website Design

Project information

  • Category: Desktop
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Jabeh is an online platform created in 2022 using PHP Laravel and designed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The platform is focused on introducing businesses in Canada to a wider audience. The website is available in two languages, Farsi and English, to cater to a broader range of users.

The website features an admin panel that allows administrators to manage the content of the website and oversee user-generated content. Additionally, users can create their own accounts and access a user panel to create their advertisements.

The user panel enables users to manage their advertisements, including creating, editing, and deleting them. The website offers a payment system to allow users to make payments for their advertisements, with multiple payment options available.

Jabeh is an excellent platform for businesses that want to increase their visibility and reach a broader audience. By leveraging the website's user-friendly design and robust functionality, businesses can create compelling advertisements that will capture the attention of potential customers.

The website's back-end is built using PHP Laravel, a powerful framework that provides robust functionality and high security. The website's front-end is designed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which ensure a seamless user experience.